We are very excited to announce a new collaboration with the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company and the City of Dublin. Together, we are participating in a Smart Columbus initiative pilot created to advance connected mobility inside of a regional innovation corridor that’s become known as the Beta District.
The partnership is a good fit for EASE, as we have an established relationship with the City of Dublin, and CEO Peter Coratola believes that we share a common set of values with Goodyear around safety, sustainability, and service.
The pilot will focus on experimentation in the areas of cloud-based logistics, tire intelligence, and more. In the first phase, eight EASE vehicles will be equipped with Goodyear TPMS Plus systems. This technology will monitor tire conditions like pressure and temperature in real-time, as the vehicles travel throughout the Beta District. The findings can have significant impacts in preventing roadside breakdowns and improving vehicle safety and handling. The City of Dublin’s involvement expands beyond its mere location, as it aspires to be the most connected community in the United States.
The growth of the Beta District—where companies are openly encouraged to collaborate with non-profits, academia, and government entities—will be significant to the future of EASE. “This collaboration is a steppingstone toward more advanced technologies like autonomous trucks,” says Coratola. “These may one day reduce delays and commute times, prevent crashes, and cut emissions by maintaining consistent speeds.”
Look for updates about this exciting opportunity for EASE to be on the front lines of driving innovation in the area of Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) technology. For more information about the Beta District, visit https://www.thebetadistrict.com/.